28 June 2012

25-50-75: Day 32

25 Hit the gym this morning. Hard. I feel good, tired and a little sore, but good. Healthy lunch at 715 today, looking forward to organic free range deliciousness. 50 Finished The Lonely Polygamist. It was too involved, much like the title character. I am finding it hard to concentrate on anything the last few weeks. Probably anxiety about my damn house not selling. I'm officially in the phase of now not ebing ale to pay my mortgage due to my increased student loan debt. Pray for me, universe. I am slowly working my way through shame researcher (yes, that is a real thing ) Brene Brown's book The Gift of Imperfection. I read a friend's copy last year, but now reading my own copy means annotating and internalizing a lot offer brilliant ideas. Like talking about your shame so it doesn't control. Acknowledging tht we all feel shame at some point, that guilt is the notion of having done something bad while shame is the idea that we are inherently bad. Pretty great stuff. I am a work in progress, y'all. Trying every day to accept and love myself so that I may more fully accept and love others. I the words of Jack Black, "being human is hard."

1 comment:

  1. That's a great differentiation between guilt and shame! I am super anti-culture of guilt that we have, especially around women and our bodies, and our mothering (or maybe larger than that--maybe I mean our choices). But I think guilt -when you really FEEL it b/c you've done something shitty you ought to feel guilty about- is probably a healthy emotion. But shaming other people never helps. I like they way they separate those concepts out.

    Hang in there. You're doing great, even if none of us ever hit quite perfect!
