23 June 2012

25-50-75: Day 27

No more progress in terms of pounds, but I am feeling better about my food choices and the way I treat my body.  I've also not gone to the pool in a little while.  It isn't that I don't still love the sun and the easy lull of the water, but even with sunscreen I could see the freckles popping out across my face, and I don't love them.  So, I need a new sunhat (I seem to have lost the cute one I bought at the beginning of the summer).

Less progress here than I'd hoped.  I'm still stuck on the Udall.  It's good, but I'm not as interested in finishing it as I am in other things I've been reading.  Working my way through things for school--I can't imagine spending the summer not thinking about what I will teach during the year--has been really good.  I'm teaching a class I've never taught, and I have a good plan for it finally, now I just need to tweak the other courses.

The other book I'm reading is The Gift of Imperfection by Brene Brown.  Self-help?  Maybe, but I am not too proud to admit when I need a little help, and this one is all about the necessity of self-acceptance as the road to pure and unconditional love.  I believe that true and passionate love will be mine, but I want to be whole enough to accept and enjoy it, and for that to happen, I have to be healthy in all forms.

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